Beaulieu Abbey

  • Beaulieu Abbey

    Après presque 3 ans de travaux l'Abbaye a réouvert ses portes. Plus de 1 000 œuvres artistiques redonnent vie à ce lieu mythique, dont celles d’Hans Hartung, Dubuffet ou Henri Michaux. Mais aussi un ensemble consacré à la Nouvelle école de Paris. Founded in 1144 by the Bishop of Rodez, Notre-Dame de Beaulieu Abbey is typical of Cistercian architecture. Nestling in the Seye valley, the buildings, laid out according to an unchanging plan, are distinguished by their careful layout and simple, uncluttered décor. Heritage and contemporary art. Abandoned during the French Revolution, the abbey was saved from ruin in the 1950s by Geneviève Bonnefoi and Pierre Brache. Their collection of contemporary art has given direction to the monument's current cultural life. - Self-guided tours - Guided and/or themed tours at 10:30, 14:15, 15:30, 16:45 - No audio guide available On site : - bookshop-shop - restaurant area: La Salle des Moines by Fourchettes et Cie A selection of savoury dishes prepared with local produce (short cycle), pastries and homemade ice creams to enjoy in the setting of the Salle des Moines or in the shade of the trees in the park. Open from July to September, Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 5pm (and evenings of events).

  • Opening dates and times

    • Jour Horaires
      Monday De 10h00 à 17h00
      Tuesday De 10h00 à 17h00
      Wednesday De 10h00 à 17h00
      Thursday De 10h00 à 17h00
      Friday De 10h00 à 17h00
      Saturday De 10h00 à 17h00
      Sunday De 10h00 à 17h00
  • Rates

    Reduced rate5 € - 6 €
    Adult group7,50 €
    Full price9 €
    Free admission: - Under 18s - 18-25 years (European Union nationals and non-European legal residents in France) - Disabled person and accompanying adult - Jobseekers (on presentation of a certificate less than 6 months old) - Education pass - The first Sunday in January, February, March and November
  • Facilities & services


Contact details

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