Approval of the main thrusts of the Local Tourist Guidance Scheme

Following the work carried out as part of the Avenir Montagne Ingénierie programme, and a presentation of the conclusions and recommendations by the OTI to the Tourist Office's Board of Directors and then to the Community Council, the main areas for future work were approved. This vast project, scheduled to run for several years (2023-2028), includes 5 main strategic areas: 1) Promoting a destination embodied in a signature, values and positioning 2) Anticipating, structuring... for tourism that respects sites and places 3) Observing to adapt, regulating, informing 4) Integrating tourist mobility into the tourism model 5) Facilitating links between players, supporting professionals.

These priorities are broken down into 44 thematic sub-actions. The following details are to be worked out in the coming months: timetable, funding and annual assessment indicators.

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