• Saint Anton'Âne

    Randonnez accompagné d'un âne éduqué et équipé pour le portage de vos bagages et des jeunes enfants, pour découvrir les sentiers des gorges d l'Aveyron et les causse du Quercy Rouergue. Petites promenades dans les ruelles du village pour les enfants. Discover St-Antonin-Noble-Val and the surrounding area at the pace of a donkey equipped with a pack-saddle, with the pleasure of sharing with your family the company of an animal that is very close to man and respectful of the natural environment. Free itineraries on request. Hire by the day or afternoon. You can let your child discover the narrow streets of Saint Antonin Noble Val on the donkey's back during a 10-minute walk. Departure every afternoon in July and August at 3pm in front of the museum on Place de la Halle.

  • Rates

    One day: 45 euros per donkey. Afternoon 35 euros per donkey short walk for children 3 euros
  • Facilities & services

    Pets allowed

Contact details

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