Najac market

  • Najac market

    Tous les dimanches matins, rendez-vous dans un des Plus Beaux Villages de France pour arpenter le marché de Najac. Remplissez votre cabas de produits frais et locaux avant de visiter ce site exceptionnel. The Najac market takes place on Sunday mornings in the Place du Faubourg, in the heart of the old market town. This long, narrow square was designed as a market area and is bordered by two rows of houses forming a linear housing estate. As an extension of the square, admire the long street that stretches right up to the fortress. It's like something out of a fairytale! To the south, the 15th- and 16th-century stone and timber-framed houses are extended by canopies under which the goods for sale were sheltered. Even today, the square is a place of trade and commerce where you can meet merchants and producers. Don't forget your basket and fill it with fresh, local produce!

  • Opening dates and times

    • Jour Horaires
      Monday Closed
      Tuesday Closed
      Wednesday Closed
      Thursday Closed
      Friday Closed
      Saturday Closed
      Sunday De 08h00 à 13h00
  • Rates


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