• St Antonin market

    Des étals débordant de fruits et légumes croquants, des fromages aromatiques, des charcuteries savoureuses, des pains croustillants... Chaque stand est un véritable trésor regorgeant de délices pour satisfaire tous les palais. The richness of our terroir is reflected in the gastronomic and artisanal specialities on offer at the market. Cheeses with bewitching aromas, homemade jams with sun-kissed fruit, honeys with unique flavours... Each bite is an explosion of flavours that transports you to the heart of our region. It's much more than just a market, it's a friendly place where you can share moments of joy and good humour. Take a stroll, sit down on one of the café terraces and savour the moment in a warm atmosphere. Don't forget that in July and August, many of you come to the market in St Antonin. We therefore recommend that you come before 10am.

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