© Les choses de l'air

In the air

In hot-air balloons, kites or ulm...

We fly away

What could be better than taking to the skies to watch the magical undulations of the Aveyron river, protected in their stony setting: the Aveyron Gorges? You'll also discover the lush valleys of the Bonnette, Seye and Baye rivers, as well as the charming little villages and green expanses that make up the region's sumptuous landscapes and heritage.

Adventurers of sensations, several providers can study flights above the Aveyron Gorges. Observe from the heights the villages of the Causse and the dry stone constructions.

Take to the air in a hot-air balloon or microlight!

There are various take-off sites near your accommodation that are used by different providers and associations.

Lovers of aerial sensations will be able to get closer to the clouds with the Kites & Co. school. On the Roc Deymié school site or in other places, give wings and colours to your adventures, in an unusual landscape setting.

Driving courses, shows, seminars and team buildings.

3 results
  • Caylus

    Kites & Co


    Les Choses de l'Air - Hot-air balloons


    Les Choses de l'Air - ULM

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