L'Office de Tourisme communautaire Causses & Gorges de l'Aveyron renouvelle son engagement pour la Qualité.

For the first time since obtaining the Qualité Tourisme mark in 2019, all the Tourist Information Offices of the tourist office were audited, in November 2021. Renewal of the right to use the Qualité Tourisme mark requires a rating score of 85 %.

The Qualité Tourisme standard is made up of 217 criteria grouped into various categories: Promotion-Communication, Hospitality Strategy, Additional Services to the main structure (Boutique, Events...), Listening to Customers, Sustainable Development, Tourism Quality Promotion, Internal Commitments and Commitments to the Community, Management Provisions, Health Reassurance.

The quality audit is carried out in several stages, including a check on the administrative operation of the structure, followed by a "mystery visit", during which the human quality of the reception and information provided is analysed, and which includes a check of the administrative data on the operation provided.

Following this mystery visit to the three tourist information offices, the Tourist Office obtained a score of 94.40 %.

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